adresa zlievarne zabrez Oravská Poruba 353, 027 54 Veličná, Slovak Republic




The company owns an ATOS optical scanner and a Dimension 3D printer. By using an optical scanner, we are able to ensure accurate dimensional inspection of castings. This is mainly used in sample procedure when introducing new castings into production.

Zlieváreň Zábrež, a. s. offers services related to 3D technologies in these areas:

  • swift measuring of products, design models, templates, and so on. (measuring volume 300x300x200mm)
  • real objects measurements and their subsequent comparison to the theoretical model
  • objects digitalisation followed by 3D models creation
  • deviatons report issue (3D visualization of actual shape and surface deviations from the ideal state)
  • 3D printing based on 3D models

If you are interested in services related to the ATOS optical scanner and the Dimension 3D printer, do not hesitate to contact us:


The basic types of castings thermal treatment can Zlieváreň Zábrež, a. s. ensure in house.

Such as:

  • normalized annealing
  • spherodizing
  • annealing to eliminate internal tension


In order to ensure customer satisfaction and fulfill their requirements, Zlieváreň Zábrež, a. s. externally cooperates with additional companies. We use them to outsource and demand the processes, which we are unable to provide. This way we aim to deliver our customers complex products that fully meet all requirements.

As part of external cooperation, we can also secure:

  • machining
  • specific thermal treatment (hardening, drawing, strength refinement, dissolving annealing…)
  • castings surface treatment (e.g. castings zinc plating, galvanizing…)
  • destructive and non-destructive tests


We are available for your purposes

Contact us !

+421 (0)43 586 6339
Oravská Poruba 353,
027 54 Veličná